Hey There
I believe in this book series as a way for people to connect to their inner child, to discover their path to truth and freedom. It is the one that I followed.
Society supports that as human beings we are separate, that we can be compared and measured. This put me in a place of fear and darkness.
The little light inside me, inside everyone, that speaks to us of love and oneness, was a beacon. I did not always follow it. But when I did I found a profound and beautiful energy, love.
I hope that my stories give you inspiration and soothe you in a tumultuous time.
I am an advocate for love. Be One.
My message...
Thank you for visiting my site and for expressing an interest in my books.
I am very grateful to share this journey with everyone. To all of my friends and family, I love you, truly.
It has been eye-opening to write stories based on my life experiences. Some people have reacted with chagrin at my candidness and honesty. Others have shown a great appreciation. It is in me to be a truth-teller.
I believe that I am very transparent. What you see is what you get. But when I wrote, edited and reread the books, I realized that although I perceived myself in this way and always have, I have not always acted that way. I think that is an interesting aspect of the human experience.
Who we are depends on who is around, including our own conscious awareness.
My message to the world is to join me on the greatest adventure, one of self discovery and healing, so that we can experience peace on earth.